Friday, June 29, 2012

The Silver Lining of Disasters

The year 2012 has definitely seen its share of disasters. Tornados, hail storms, and now wildfires reek havoc as they destroy thousands of homes. As horrible as these events seem, there is actually a silver lining in all of this damage.
Americans as a whole pay millions of dollars per year into their auto and homeowners insurance policies with most never making a claim to get any tangible advantages to those dollars spent.
The silver lining that I’m speaking of from these disastrous events is the inevitable boost to the economy that the needed repairs and replacements will cause. Auto body repair shops, builders, roofers, siding contractors, and the list goes on for those that will benefit from the multitude of work that is needed because of these disasters.
Not only will those companies and laborers feel the benefits but so will others as they spend that extra money that they are making. The reaped benefits is a full circle process.
The best part of this boost is that for most, the insurance companies are picking up the tab. So, for all of those years of paying what seemed like wasted money in insurance premiums the benefit is upon you and the economy.
So, the next time you are feeling blue about the many disasters that surround us, remember there is silver lining.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Everyone Is Praying And No One Is Doing Anything

How many times have you been reading a posted news story on facebook only to see the comment section loaded with how everyone is “praying” for the victim, their family or anyone else that they can dream up to include.
I think it’s fine and dandy that people find comfort in prayer. If that’s how you deal with things then so be it but stop cramming it down everyone else’s throat.
The online posts of praying on everything is becoming so frequent that people are slinging it around without thought as to what they are even praying for or about. If some of these people are doing that much praying, how in the world are they finding the time to be on facebook to post that they are praying on every event of everyday?
Someone please tell me, is there an online game or has God issued a challenge as to how many times you can post that you’re praying on facebook? Whatever the prize is, I hope that it out weighs the fact that you never lift a finger to ever do anything for anyone but yet feel completely justified because you’re “praying” on facebook.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Are You Judged By The Company That You Keep?

Growing up, my parents always taught me that you can tell a lot about a person by the friends that they keep. I remember my grandfather always saying, “If you hang out with garbage, you start smelling like trash’. Through the years I have found this to be mostly true. It is no secret that people tend to judge you by the company that you keep.
That being said, I can’t help but equate these statements to the people on our facebook friends list. The people that you allow on your facebook friends list can and do say more about you than you realize.
If the comments left by friends on your posts reflect a particular type of personality or image be it good or bad, it is most likely thought that your own personal character or image mirrors the same.
I will be the first to say that there is nothing wrong with having a diverse friend base but I would also have to question one’s personal character when it comes to the comments and posts that they tolerate and allow to grace their facebook for all to see.
Thus, if there’s even the slightest opportunity for another person to make a decision on you based on those you engage with via social media platforms isn’t it perhaps wise to look at those you engage with and decide as to whether they serve a purpose or are likely to impact on you without your knowledge, either positively or negatively?
Here are ten personality types that could affect your popularity or otherwise online
see how many you can identify and whether it’s time for a little spring cleaning?
The Creator
his person creates content and shares information and ideas in a positive way. They’re happy to share their experience and you can learn from them, or make valuable contacts through them. These are great people to have in your network as they’re warmly received by others too and tend to create for themselves a virtual community with common interests or ideals.
The Activist 
Always ready to fight the cause, no matter how near or far away or how relevant or otherwise it is to their everyday life. Social media has given them a voice and they intend to use it. While you may be entertained, or even agree with their sentiments on occasion, do you think you’d like your fans or followers to believe that because you’re friendly online that you share their views?
The Joker
They can be entertaining at first, but a stream of jokes that range from funny to daft to offensive with little of substance in-between will eventually bore or offend you enough to remove yourself. The trick with this one is to decide if the occasional giggle is worthy of the more usual humorous updates of their taste.
The Friend
This is the person who makes the effort to get to know those who’ve followed, connected with, circled or liked them – and not just for whatever’s in it for them. They take an interest in people and are great for building networks. These people are great connections to have, as undoubtedly they’ll go to great lengths to introduce you to other likeminded souls and they’re quite likely to take the community offline too developing real-world friendships too.
The Spammer
They auto-tweet on the hour and share every single update from their favorite website with you, even if that particular website boasts hundreds of thousands of followers for a reason and they’ve got ten! They rarely create any original content of their own, but are quite happy to chat about anything and everything in between sharing the work of others.
The Know-all
Think of a topic and they know all about it. Doesn’t matter that their professional expertise is in one area, they know all about everybody else’s business too – and they make sure that everybody knows just how great they are.
The Nice Guy
They enjoy some light banter but never try to sell you anything or force their opinion on you. They’re not caught up in growing their numbers, preferring to log on occasionally and have a chat before heading back to their offline world again. These are nice connections to make, never controversial and enjoyable company online when they appear.
The Guru
The term “guru” in somebody’s bio or info section should send out alarm bells in itself, but if they’re a social media guru with 20,000 tweets and 54 followers there’s something seriously wrong. Same goes if they’re a “guru” in one given topic yet updates cover almost anything except their area.
The Complainer
Big fans of naming and shaming, they complain openly about customers when a deal falls through or about another business who don’t want to air their dirty linen in public and have expressed a preference to professionally take the complaint offline. Then they try and encourage all their social media “friends” to join in the chat too!
The Follower -
They follow everybody they come across and when they’re not followed back, they unfollow – even follow a second or third time, in an attempt to make sure that they’ve been noticed. They also go to the trouble of telling you on your facebook page that they’ve liked you – and just where they can find your page so you can return the favor!
The very nature of social media lends itself to research on businesses and individuals with so much more information available in the public domain than ever before. If you are therefore going to consider forging a connection with another, is it reasonable to assume that you’ll be judged not just by what you say but by your interactions with others too? And more so than the mere interactions, will you be judged by the types of people you interact with?

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Aerial Photos - Not Just For Large Real-Estate, or is it?

I’m sure most of you have seen aerial shots used for photographing large pieces of real-estate such as large tracts of commercial property or housing developments. Apparently this particular camera angle has also become the popular choice for personal photos.
Click through any social networking page such as facebook and you will see the aerial shot being used by many females as their choice of photographs. I started noticing this trend a few years back but I never really thought much about it, until recently.
The more I started seeing it, the more I wanted to find out about this growing trend. I started doing internet searches regarding this trend and what I found is, it seems that this particular camera angle is widely used by the larger set gals and those interested in showing off their breasts.
In the case of the larger set gals, this particular camera angle tends to not show the extra real-estate being carried which some gals feel creates a more flattering photograph. On the flip side of the coin, this shot tends to accentuate the real-estate being carried on one’s chest.
Whatever the case, it appears that this camera angle continues to remain the preferred angle for large pieces of real-estate. That being said, perhaps some of us more fortunate guys should start using this angle for photographing the real-estate carried below our belts.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Knowing Too Much Can Be As Bad As Knowing Nothing

Well now that the issue of Pink Slime in beef has come to light and all of the sudden everyone is just sickened by the use. Many retailers and fast food establishments have vowed to not use products containing the Pink Slime.
I hope everyone will be ultimately satisfied when the price of beef doubles or even triples due to your need to Know-it-all. My point is that this Pink Slime has been in beef for years and it hasn’t killed any of us or even made us ill. All of the sudden because it made it to main stream media, everyone is just sickened by it.
Come on people, how about you get over yourselves? If we knew of EVERYTHING that went into the preparation of our food we would all stop eating completely. You could go to any restaurant, including your highest end establishments and be appalled at the processes in the very kitchen that your meal is being prepared.
Due to the Pink slime being taken out of ground beef it is reported that 1.5 million more cattle will have to be slaughtered to make up for it. If you think that beef prices aren’t going to skyrocket, then you need to get your head out of Wonderland, Alice.
The American People as a whole, in my opinion is making their need for know-it-all a total detriment to the very society that they think that they are protecting. It’s so sad that so much effort isn’t being put into job performance, parenting skills and unity.

Related Story:

Could banning “pink slime” be bad for the planet?

Friday, April 6, 2012

Housing Projects - The Rule Rather Than The Exception

The Housing Project concept has overstayed its welcome. It's time they were all dismantled and made a thing of the past. For many of the residents they have become the rule rather than the exception.
What started out as an admirable government program has turned into a way of life for generations of families. Public Housing Projects has been around since 1935. Originally built to house the poor, Public housing in its earliest decades was usually much more working-class and middle-class and white than it was by the 1970s.
Through the years Public housing has become synonymous with crime and drugs. Although there are still those that use public housing as nothing more than a stepping stone until they can afford to support themselves and their families. Many manage to make it a way of life for generations.
You can go to Anytown, USA and find the local public housing projects riddled with crime and drug traffic. That is why I say that this program is more of a black eye and a hindrance to the communities at large than any positives that they can contribute.
The City of Louisville is on the right track with the elimination of such housing projects as Park Duvalle, Iroquois housing, Clarksdale and now the Sheppard Square Housing. These areas are being revitalized with more viable and appealing [non-slum] residences.
It's a sad situation to have to eliminate housing just to give someone that extra push to better themselves but I say let’s keep the ball rolling and make them all a thing of the past. This is a small piece of the puzzle when it comes to controlling crime but in my opinion a major stride.

Some People Give Primates A Bad Name

News Link: A 78-year-old Ohio man was severely beaten by group of youths -- who during the attack shouted, "this is for Trayvon,"
News Link: Dozens of teens rampage through a Walgreens store, destroying property and shoplifting as part of a Trayvon Martin demonstration.

Since when did it become acceptable to commit a crime in the name of justice? Oh yes, I guess when it’s a particular oppressed group of individuals it’s okay. This is nothing more than giving a handful of criminal minded individuals a reason to justify their less than human tendencies and need to act like animals.

There are no doubt good and bad in every group.  It's horrible that it only takes the actions of few to cast such a shadow on an entire group.
I could go on for days about this but I will just leave it as the title says,--
 “Some people give primates a bad name“.- and that's all I have to say about that.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Anonymously Involved Against Crime - Take A Stand

You’re at home alone and there is someone lurking around your house with intentions of breaking in. How upset would you be if you knew that a neighbor watched the whole thing unfold but did nothing because they didn’t want to get “involved”.
People opting to not get involved is becoming an ever growing trend across the country. My questions is, WHY? Why does someone have to be a victim themselves before they see the importance of watching out for one another and making the effort to stop the criminal in his tracks.
The anonymous crime tip line is the best way for those that don’t want to get involved. You do not have to give your name or have an officer to even contact you regarding the information that you give. With the ever increasing crime rate, people cannot afford to not get involved if they expect to feel safe in their own surroundings.
I encourage everyone to take a firm stand against crime and utilize all of the resources available by local law enforcement to report a crime or even anything suspicious. When it comes to protecting family and friends against being a victim of a crime, there is no information too small or insignificant.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Health, Wellness & Prosperity. It’s All Psychological

Those who know me well, know that I am a firm believer in the power of the mind. The Power of Positive Thinking, if you will. That being said, I truly believe that a person can actually control their health and well being by merely thinking it and believing it.
A thought is reality in its infancy, and if we can think ourselves sick, then we can certainly think ourselves well. This is no mystery. Worrying about work, relationships, money and finance, health, and issues about fitness can cause prolonged tension, stress, and the inability to relax, resulting in unmanageable anxieties. This weakens our health.
It takes courage to face life, with all of its responsibilities and dynamics. Without courage, it is easy to doubt ourselves rather than thinking about the intended goal. Many people worry more about getting ill than living. So the first and the most important first step is your stance on life.
You must take a Warrior’s Stance.
Like a warrior, take a firm stance on life. Your intent on winning and succeeding will guide you through the difficulties in life. Stamp your foot on the ground and say aloud: “YES” to life. Of course you want to live, however that statement is ordinarily not affirmed with conviction. This solid commitment will realign not only your subconscious mind for success but your molecular structure as well and will strengthen your overall health.
Having a strong stance on life will help you view things in a more creative and positive way. Viewing things this way will clarify what methods will be best for you. A strong stance, a clear viewpoint and an appropriate method will surely improve the quality of your life and relations, and you will find yourself free of problems before you know it.
When you have an ailment such as a headache, cold or minor pain you must take control. Say unequivocally that you WILL NOT be held hostage by this minor setback. Forge on and firmly remind yourself that YOU control your life, its actions and reactions. Once you get that mind-set then you will begin to see major differences in your life and your health.
I make these statements with great conviction because I do these very things on a daily basis. I believe it, I say it and I live it. You can too!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sunny Day Fans Come Out Of The Woodwork

Since I'm not really a dedicated sports fan I feel like I can say this.   What is with all of the "Sunny Day Fans"?  You know, the ones that never mention a particular team or a game until a Championship is won, then all at once they are die hard, team color bleeding fans.
The recent NCAA Championship win for the Kentucly Wildcats is a perfect example of what I am speaking of in this blog post.  I don't think I have seen so many "Sunny Day Fans" come creeping out of the woodwork to claim victory as I have with this Championship win.
Every water cooler conversation and facebook status update is inundated with comments like "That's MY team, That's My Boys, My Team is awesome, My team this and My team that and so on.  I find it to be quite hypocritical myself, but hey who am I to say.  This is just my most recent observation that I just had to blog about. 

Going one more step on this topic is the "fans" that in their undying attempt to defend the chaotic actions of their fellow cheerleading fans they rant and rave with such vulgarity and hate that they remove any chance of being thought of as a respectable fan that they are trying to be in defense of in the first place.
I believe Mark Twain said it best, "Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt".

Walking The Line Between Celebration & Chaos

I am as much about celebration as the next person but when it turns to crime and chaos then that’s over the line. Such is the case in Lexington where University of Kentucky fans are burning couches, pulling up stop signs and even pulling the fire hose from a passing fire truck to use as a tug of war rope. To “celebrate” their NCAA Championship win.
As if the state of Kentucky needs something else to highlight idiocy and lack of class. These over zealous partiers should be made an example of by being jailed and fined as much as the law will allow. I know it may sound as if I’m a party pooper or a Debbie Downer but when you destroy property and put the lives of others in danger for pleasure then it becomes a crime and should be dealt with accordingly.
So as not to sound as if this is the prejudice rants of a Louisville fan, I want to make it perfectly clear that my opinion regarding the celebratory chaos holds true for anyone involved in such madness. The evening that the Louisville Cardinals made it to the Final Four fans took to the streets in the same manner as in Lexington. I say, if you can’t behave then you need to be held accountable.
In my opinion, these are the same types that were claiming to be the 99% during the Occupy Movements across the country. These types are always looking for a reason to justify their lack of intelligence.
I’m sure everyone has an opinion on this very topic. I would be quite interested to hear anyone else’s take on this.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Respecting The Badge Should Not Be A Question

Being connected to every news source possible and an avid user of social media, I see many comments made by the general public when it comes to our local police department. I’m not going to mince words here when I say that I am completely pissed that so many have such negative comments about our first responders.
I think many forget that first and foremost, police officers are human. That being said, yes there are going to be a few errors in judgment in some situations. On the flip side of that coin I also think that many also forget that when put in the situation that officers are often put into, sometimes a split decision needs to be made. In the field of law enforcement, hesitation in decision making can mean serious injury or even death for an officer.
Secondly, I have to lean on the side of the police officer in their decision making and actions when it comes to dealing with the criminal element. Until we have walked in their shoes on any given day none of us have the right to pass judgment on their actions. I think that many tend to forget that in a typical day most people have jobs or activities that for the most part they are safe and will return home to their friends and families.
In the case of a police officer, it is not a guarantee that when they hit the proverbial clock to begin working, they will come home. What starts out as a simple traffic stop can quickly turn into a deadly situation for an officer with little to no warning. There have been many officers killed in the line of duty, just for the simple fact that they are police officers.
Another issue that I have noticed is that persons on a lower socioeconomic level tend to have a complete dislike and disrespect for law enforcement in general. This is a growing trend that has been backed by many studies. I’m not completely sure of the reasoning other than according to several studies, many with a lower socioeconomic  status are not always on the right side of the law in all that they do which equates hate for “the man”.
As I wrap-up my ramblings I would have to encourage everyone that before you blast an officer, until you have walked a day in their shoes you might want to rethink your harsh opinions and comments. Remember, they chose that career to serve and protect you. Let them do it without regret.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Drive-Thru Liquor Stores. Convenience or Promoting Drinking & Driving

During a recent trip to my local Wal-Mart I was cutting through the adjacent strip mall which contains a Kroger, Papa Murphys Pizza, Library and few other businesses. The business located on the far end happens to be a liquor store. It is not unusual to pass by that particular liquor store and see the delivery trucks parked out front for restocking the shelves.
This particular day I happened to notice some construction going on at the side of the building. After closer inspection I noticed a sign. Amidst the dust and dirt and construction equipment the sign that I saw read, “DRIVE-THRU COMING SOON!”.
Before I go any further, I would like to preface this blog entry by saying that I am in no way against the sale or consumption of alcohol or discriminatory to those who consume it. My issue today is centering around the Drive -Thru concept itself in a liquor store.
I completely understand that with our busy lifestyles nowadays, convenience is a must. I’m not so sure that I can be sold on the convenience aspect of purchasing alcoholic beverages. Although drinking and driving related accidents and fatalities in Kentucky have managed to decline in the past years, I cannot help but imagine how many more lives could be saved if the drive-thru liquor store was outlawed.
After much research I found that I am not so off base in my thinking regarding the outlaw of the drive-thru liquor store. It seems that there are a handful of states across the country that have laws prohibiting drive-thru liquor stores. I have to stand firm in my belief that the drive-thru liquor store contributes as much to drinking and driving as it does to it’s convenience factor of shopping in general. When the convenience factor is second to life itself, then something is out of whack.

Below are some statistics.  I KNOW we can do better.  It's a matter of life and death.

The KSP reports that preliminary 2011 traffic fatality numbers indicate there were 720 deaths on Kentucky roadways last year. Of those, 49 percent were not wearing a seat belt and 16 percent were in alcohol-related accidents.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Every Generation Has a Crisis. It’s All Relevant.

During a phone conversation last evening with a very close friend, our conversation started with him asking “What in the world is going on with this country”? Being the optimist that I am, my response was “What do you mean”? We then proceeded to discuss every issue that is facing the American people today. To say the least, it was a very detailed and intense conversation.
I admit, I always enjoy a good conversation with someone that actually has knowledge of their topics verses those that just rant with little to no knowledge of what they are ranting about. This was indeed one of the conversations that I truly enjoy.
As this friend continued, the conversation led to him telling how concerned he was about the direction that the country was headed and, how in the world will our children and grandchildren every overcome this horrible fate?
Again, wearing my optimists hat my response went like this. I’m not disagreeing that yes, there are many issues that face us and generations after us. I have to go back to think though.  Didn’t every generation have a crisis?
Just off of the top of my head a few of those go like this. The 60’s had their Cuban Missile Crisis, the 70’s had the Oil Embargo, the 80’s had the Midwest Farm Crises and the 90’s had the savings and loan crisis.
I can remember growing up, my grandparents saying “This world is going to hell in a hand basket”. Those words are still spoken today as they have been with every generation until now. In a nut shell I guess I’m saying that although the price at the gas pumps are averaging over $4.00 per gallon, the value of the dollar is near nothing and unemployment is at an all time high. Remember, we’re not the only generation to face what is thought to be the end of the world and somehow, we survived. I know that the American people is a resilient people and the Gloria Gaynor hit of the 80’s so proudly stated, “I will Survive”.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Malingering: A Growing and Costly Problem

Perhaps one of the most under diagnosed syndromes of our time, Malingering is characterized by a deliberate fabrication of psychiatric or physical complaints for clear secondary gain such as material reward (e.g. controlled substances, money) or punishment avoidance. Surely, as long as there have been people, there too have existed malingerers. Probably the earliest reference appears in the Old Testament...
1 Samuel 21: 12-15: And David laid up these words in his heart, and was sore afraid of Achish the king of Gath. And he changed his behavior before them, and feigned himself mad in their hands, and scrabbled on the doors of the gate, and let his spittle fall down upon his beard.

In recent history, the incidence of Malingering appears to be on the rise, temporally related to the creation of the Social Security Disability Act in the 1970s, which has offered worthwhile enticements to those so inclined.
Typically, health care providers are reluctant to diagnose this condition, because of the difficulty in proving Malingering or honestly confronting a suspect without fear of creating embarrassment or provoking retaliation.
With the advent of the internet and the resulting free flow of information about psychological tests, independent medical exams and information about how to fake believable mental disorders on psychological tests, the problem of malingering of mental disorders continue to grow worse.
As this growing issue increases so does healthcare costs. Who pays for this? The working class does, since it has been determined that the primary malingerer is the unemployed and generational recipients of government assistance.
It has only been recently that certain mental health professionals have sought to weed out the malingerers through a series of physiological tests that have proven very effective in distinguishing the real conditions for the fake ones.
Go to any local government assistance building or health clinic and you will find malingering at its best.  This is one of the many issues that plague not only our healthcare system but the welfare system.  Since we can't count on the culprits to do the right thing, it is up to the general population to step up and expose the frauds for who and what they are.

Not only is the system broken, it is being literally ripped to shreds by its recipients.

Related Stories:
Welfare: A necessity for some, a way of life for others.

Nothing Says Grief Like a Money Making Opportunity

As the media monster continues to stomp its way through the country and spread propaganda pertaining to the Treyvon Martin saga. Several stories of interest begin to surface that counters the original reports of the innocent little skittle eating teen that was allegedly shot for no reason.
There are reports that at least three witnesses have stepped forward claiming to have seen accused shooter George Zimmerman being attacked by the hooded teen. It has also FINALLY been reported that according to police, when they arrived they found a bloodied and beaten George Zimmerman with a busted nose, face lacerations and the back of his head busted open due to being pounded repeatedly on the ground.
Now I am by no means an expert in crime scene reconstructions or forensics, but I think it’s pretty safe to say that the injuries sustained by George Zimmerman were not inflicted AFTER Treyvon Martin was fatally shot. That alone eludes to and backs up claims that George Zimmerman was accosted first then forced to defend himself.
The second point that I would like to touch on is the issue of the photos again. It has recent been reported that several of the photos being circulated of Treyvon Martin were in fact from the facebook page of a different Treyvon Martin. In my original research I was able to distinguish that right off the bat. That’s why I never used those photos, However there was a photo available of a more recent Treyvon that I have and continue to use in my blog postings and thankfully I was able to grab it before the actual facebook page of the real Treyvon Martin was mysteriously taken down.
Thirdly I would like to touch on a story that I recently ran across that reports that the family of Treyvon Martin has filed with the U.S. Patent office to have the phrases “I am Treyvon” and “Justice for Treyvon” trademarked. Well, nothing says grief like a money making opportunity.

(click photo to enlarge)

Lastly, I want to be sure that no one makes any mistakes in their perception of my blog entries as they pertain to this story. My stance isn’t for or against Treyvon or George Zimmerman. Because I, like the rest of the country do not have enough information to make a decision or place blame. We do however have plenty of information to know that the media along with several special interest groups are spinning and twisting this story to tell it in a manner that creates the most racial uproar possible.
I can only hope that the truth and facts of this story come together and all involved can heal as they move forward. Until then I will continue to follow this story and blog accordingly until the media monster is wrangled or at the very least comes to its senses and begins reporting some truth in this, no doubt sad story.

Related Stories:

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Treyvon Martin Saga - Thank You Media, May We Have Another

So now that we have all been handfed what the media felt that we should know about the Treyvon Martin shooting case in order to cause the biggest racial frenzy possible. We are now getting the information that should have been reported in the beginning. It seems that contrary to what we were led to believe, our innocent not so little Treyvon Martin is turning out to be the aggressor and not so innocent in this story.
According to reports and some witness accounts, Treyvon actually punched George Zimmerman in the face then pounded his head onto the ground before being shot.
Additionally it appears that the not so little Treyvon has had several suspensions from school and has been in trouble for altercations with school security.
This story has more spins and twists than a two dollar stripper and continues to spin and twist daily. The one constant that we can all be assured of is that the media will continue to feed us as they see fit in order to keep the drama at its highest level possible.

Related Stories: The Treyvon Martin Shooting - Who Is The Victim Now?

Monday, March 26, 2012

The Treyvon Martin Shooting - Who Is The Victim Now?

By now, I am sure that everyone has heard of Trayvon Martin, the Florida teen that on February 26th was shot and killed by Neighborhood Watch Captain, George Zimmerman. Communities across the country are marching, protesting and rallying for the arrest of Mr. Zimmerman for what is called the “cold blooded murder” of Trayvon.
The issue that I have with this entire incident is this.  In typical fashion, everyone has taken it upon themselves to be judge and jury in something that they do not have any facts on. The only full piece of information that has been released is that an alleged unarmed African American teen was shot and killed by a Neighborhood Watch Captain for no reason.
As like in many incidents involving minorites, there are those that pull out their deck of race cards to make a case. Since both individuals involved are minorities, the race cards can most likely be put away. Until any facts surrounding the incident are released, I find it very hard to point fingers in any direction in this case. No one and I mean no one has the right to be judge and jury in this or any other case in which there has been no full facts or information given.
This tragic trend in today’s society of the automatic presumption and placement of guilt without knowing any facts in my opinion is very alarming. This type of reaction is exactly why it is getting more and more difficult for someone to get a fair trail and why there are so many innocent people today serving prison sentences and even on death row.
I would encourage everyone to put your torches away and let officials do their job before fingers are pointed and judgments are made. We must all remember that we still live in a country where a person is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Let’s not be our own enemy of that right.

Those that have been following this story will notice that the photo that I posted above of George Zimmerman is not the same photo that was originally splashed around by the media.  I did that for a reason.  My question is, would public opinion of Mr. Zimmerman been the same had this been the first image that they saw rather than the shot used below?

I'm am in no way choosing sides in the matter (because I, like everyone else do not know the facts).  I am merely stating my opinion and pointing out what I feel is a seriously disturbing trend being perpetrated by the media and carried out by the public.

Treyvon Martin, George Zimmerman or We The Public

Monday, March 19, 2012

Welfare: A necessity for some, a way of life for others.

I find it very difficult to feel sorry for those struggling to make ends meet that continue to foolishly squander their resources. There are those that between the unreported income in an unwed couple situation, food stamps and other government subsidies have more than those who work daily and provide for their families that cannot receive any assistance because of their income levels.
The system is broken and someone needs to step to the plate and fix it. When someone that has worked their entire life and is receiving retirement benefits is struggling to find the means to meet monthly medical expenses and even eat, while those who continue to work the system as their families have for generations have twice the income there is something seriously wrong.
I propose stricter policies be put into place with surprise visits and inspections occurring for those receiving government assistance of any type. I also propose that anyone receiving any type of government assistance be required to have a physical and if they are able to work, they must perform at least 10 hours of community service per week while receiving benefits.
Stricter policies and more follow up would decrease the fraud and create more funds for those that are truly in need. If you agree, you are encouraged to write or email your congressperson and tell them, “You’re tired of people taking advantage of the system”.
In the meantime, don't be afraid to report suspected fraud in any government subsidy program. This can be done anonymously in writing, by telephone or by internet.  It is only when we get involved can we make a difference.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Is Your Home Sweet Home Making You Sick?

Are you and your family constantly sick? Does it seem that you have more the your share of respiratory problems? Your house could be the culprit.
Your home isn’t so sweet when it’s making your family miserable with asthma or other respiratory issues . Our sedentary lifestyles, air pollution and more time spent indoors where air can’t circulate are partly to blame.
Your home actually traps airborne allergens, sometimes leading to a life-threatening condition called allergic asthma. The culprits are usually things that invade your home, like dust mites, mold spores, animal dander and insect droppings, says Kelly Stone, M.D., a staff clinician at National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
You can take preventative steps to keep allergens at bay.
The old adage, “Cleanliness is next to godliness” has more of a meaning than what you may think. A clean home can reduce your susceptibility to many illnesses.
Dust mites live in upholstery and carpeting and feed on organic debris - your shedding skin for example. These microscopic creatures thrive in humid, warm conditions and furniture and carpeting is one of their favorite places to hang out.
Getting on a regular cleaning and vacuuming schedule not only makes your house more welcoming and inviting, but will help greatly in your fight against illness.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Oh Good, You Farted Today. Thank Goodness You have Facebook.

If you’re like many of us, you have that one “friend” that feels the need to post everything he or she does on facebook. There is nothing sacred when it comes to the information that this person shares. Then there’s those random outbursts of anger. What day would be complete without knowing what kind of so-and-so they think someone is and never mention their name because "They Know Who They Are".
In this age of social media, it seems that we are getting to know our friends and relatives better than ever. We know what time they get up in the morning, what they had for breakfast and we are even informed on every family squabble. So much so, that we feel as if we are in the squabble ourselves.
I don’t know about you but I really didn’t want to know my friends or most of my relatives that well. There are some things that are better left unsaid or to the imagination at least.
Then there’s those “friends” that never post a status update of their own nor do they even comment on any of your status updates. They do however click “like” on everything you post. These are the ones that I like to refer to as the squatters. By clicking “like” on everything it gives them the ability to follow your post word for word with every follow up comment by you and others without any responsibility of actually getting involved.
Yes sir, social media has essentially become like that relative that no one likes but they tolerate them, “just because”.
Let’s all raise our glass and give a toast to friends, relatives and acquaintances that we wouldn’t open the door for if they came knocking but eagerly tolerate their silly asses on facebook.

Mind Your Own Business To Reduce Stress

What are you stressed out about today?

  • Is it the same thing that stressed you out yesterday or something different?
  • Are you in the habit (or trap) of being stressed out by some issue daily?
  • Does your life equate to drama?
Maybe you're addicted to stress. Your brain just might be hooked on that flood of adrenaline it gets whenever you go into a panic, start worrying or become anxious.We can get addicted to just about anything. Look at what's happened with cell phones. Every time I travel, I'm astounded at the number of people who are incapable of just sitting for a few moments without texting, calling or doing something on their phones. We are now in an age that provides 24-7 entertainment, information and disruption.
I was at the airport several months ago, and they had television in the baggage claim area. Do we really need to be entertained constantly?Unfortunately, all of this "do, do, do" and "go, go, go" lifestyle has significantly increased the stress level in our daily lives and society in general. I don't need to tell you - you know - but do you ever think about it?
Do you ever consider going "unplugged?"
What will happen if you aren't tuned in electronically 24-7? Life will go on, just as it always has. Really, what do you gain by always being accessible - is it an ego thing?Another avenue for stress is the pressure we receive from people we interact with in our lives. If you're a young student, you may be pressured from your parents and teachers to perform.
You may also feel pressure from your parents as to which sports and activities to participate in. If you're a parent, you may feel pressure by your significant other, your boss or friends. How often do you put pressure on someone else to get what you want? You may even do a little begging, pleading, flirting, and manipulation to coerce someone into meeting your desires or demands. The way we process situations in life is important.
Do you view problems as a challenge to be solved, or opportunities you can use to grow? Fortunately, we always have a choice about everything. Yes, I said everything. Even when you don't feel you have a choice about something, you have a choice in how you respond.
Here are three quick tips you can use to reduce stress in your daily life:
1. Unplug and take a "timeout" every day
Realize your body and brain need a rest from constant electronic input and stimulation. Turn off your cell phone, computer, TV and radio. Go to the park (or sit outside) and eat your meal. Take a walk with the dogs or play with your kids. Have dinner with the family (no cell phones allowed) and have a conversation over dinner. Schedule time to do something special you've wanted to do and just haven't found the time for. Do five minutes of deep breathing before you sleep to unwind and relax your brain. The cool thing is, as you begin to take time out to do this - you'll find you have more time (and patience) in your day to get everything done.
2. Prioritize your tasks the night before
Take a few minutes before you go to bed to think about what has to be done the next day. Write down all of the tasks on a white board or piece of paper. Then prioritize the list by what absolutely has to be done tomorrow and what can wait until another day.This will help in two ways - first, you'll eliminate stress by shortening the "to do" list to what is essential; and second, your mind will begin taking care of tomorrow's tasks while you sleep. The next day you will get through your list quickly and accomplish more in less time.
3. Mind your own business
Don't worry about everyone else's problems and don't add stress to your life by trying to "fix" everyone and everything. Realize we are all extras in everyone else's play. And consider the thought that what other people think of you is none of your business - what matters most is what you think of yourself. Lastly, find three things every day that you do for someone else to make them feel good. Give a genuine compliment, go out of your way to do something for someone else and embrace the attitude of "How can I help:" instead of always thinking about "What's in it for me?"