Friday, April 6, 2012

Housing Projects - The Rule Rather Than The Exception

The Housing Project concept has overstayed its welcome. It's time they were all dismantled and made a thing of the past. For many of the residents they have become the rule rather than the exception.
What started out as an admirable government program has turned into a way of life for generations of families. Public Housing Projects has been around since 1935. Originally built to house the poor, Public housing in its earliest decades was usually much more working-class and middle-class and white than it was by the 1970s.
Through the years Public housing has become synonymous with crime and drugs. Although there are still those that use public housing as nothing more than a stepping stone until they can afford to support themselves and their families. Many manage to make it a way of life for generations.
You can go to Anytown, USA and find the local public housing projects riddled with crime and drug traffic. That is why I say that this program is more of a black eye and a hindrance to the communities at large than any positives that they can contribute.
The City of Louisville is on the right track with the elimination of such housing projects as Park Duvalle, Iroquois housing, Clarksdale and now the Sheppard Square Housing. These areas are being revitalized with more viable and appealing [non-slum] residences.
It's a sad situation to have to eliminate housing just to give someone that extra push to better themselves but I say let’s keep the ball rolling and make them all a thing of the past. This is a small piece of the puzzle when it comes to controlling crime but in my opinion a major stride.

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