The year 2012 has definitely seen its share of disasters. Tornados, hail storms, and now wildfires reek havoc as they destroy thousands of homes. As horrible as these events seem, there is actually a silver lining in all of this damage.
Americans as a whole pay millions of dollars per year into their auto and homeowners insurance policies with most never making a claim to get any tangible advantages to those dollars spent.
The silver lining that I’m speaking of from these disastrous events is the inevitable boost to the economy that the needed repairs and replacements will cause. Auto body repair shops, builders, roofers, siding contractors, and the list goes on for those that will benefit from the multitude of work that is needed because of these disasters.
Not only will those companies and laborers feel the benefits but so will others as they spend that extra money that they are making. The reaped benefits is a full circle process.
The best part of this boost is that for most, the insurance companies are picking up the tab. So, for all of those years of paying what seemed like wasted money in insurance premiums the benefit is upon you and the economy.
.So, the next time you are feeling blue about the many disasters that surround us, remember there is silver lining.